Rainbow Mountain, 2023
 Luna Moth, 2023
 Paw Paw Rodney, 2024
 Train to Lake Titicaca, 2023
 Guapdad 4000, 2021
 Pillones Falls, 2024
 Humantay and Cerro Salcantay Mountain, 2023
 Pierce, 2020
 Rainbow Mountain, 2023

Rainbow Mountain, 2023

 Luna Moth, 2023

Luna Moth, 2023

 Paw Paw Rodney, 2024

Paw Paw Rodney, 2024

 Train to Lake Titicaca, 2023

Train to Lake Titicaca, 2023

 Guapdad 4000, 2021

Guapdad 4000, 2021

 Pillones Falls, 2024

Pillones Falls, 2024

 Humantay and Cerro Salcantay Mountain, 2023

Humantay and Cerro Salcantay Mountain, 2023

 Pierce, 2020

Pierce, 2020